[rescue] Thoughts on system noise...

Jeremy Towers jeremy.towers at btopenworld.com
Mon Mar 25 05:10:12 CST 2002

I have a set of headphones like this, called Noise Buster Extreme, 
bought from the Sharper Image, and they don't do much for fan noise in a 
home environment.

They do cut down on air conditioner noise and make big computer rooms 
quite bearable.  

They are GREAT on aeroplanes -  especially if you watch the movies

The microphones are inside the speaker cavity, on the ear side.



Greg A. Woods wrote:

>[ On Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 22:21:23 (-0500), Sridhar the POWERful wrote: ]
>>Subject: Re: [rescue] Thoughts on system noise... 
>>I've built these systems.  It uses sound of the same wave and amplitude,
>>but opposite phase to cancel the waves out.  It's not easy to engineer
>Not to mention but that fan noise is pretty pink, if not damn near white
>noise so probably impossible to cancel within any reasonable distance
>where it's actually still at an annoying level....

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