[rescue] Arcade Machines

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Thu Nov 7 09:11:35 CST 2002

Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Pictures!
>   or
> Details!

<aol]Yes!  Pictures!</aol>

> Last time I tride Mame was a couple years ago, and there was a
> *disapointing* lack of ROMs.  Pointers/URLs requested to ROMs 
> available for
> Mame...

You really want to run Freenet. (www.freenetproject.org)  There's a page 
devoted to nothing but Mame ROMs.  They're also available via a Freenet 
app called Frost.  Beware though - you almost "require" broadband with 
Freenet because it is a _distributed_ _encrypted_ network.  My old 
PII-350 on 608/128 ADSL takes quite a while to download anything large. 
  Thankfully though for you Mame ROMs aren't all that big.

Mike Hebel

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