[rescue] Axil Ultima 1 boot PROM question

Dave Washburn dwashbur at nyx.net
Sun Nov 10 10:12:47 CST 2002

I found your message in an old sunhelp archive and I'm desperate.   I 
have an Ultima 1 that I loaded Solaris 9 on and it was working great, 
but it kept asking me to update the PROM so it could run the 64-bit 
kernel.  Well, I did, and now it doesn't work at all.  It sounds as 
though my problem is the same as the one you described last year in your 
post.  Were you able to fix it, and if so, would you be willing to share???

Here is the message you posted:

does anybody have a AXIL Ultima-1/200MHz Boot PROM Image (or a unused PROM 
itself) ???
I try to reanimate that machine because of a bad Flashprom update (it does 
not recongize the proper system speed, does not recognize the SCSI devices 
and not the net-device)

many thanx


The only difference is that mine is a 167 MHZ, but I'm hoping that's not a major issue.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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