[rescue] SGI monitor, or monitors in general =)

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 20 23:55:08 CST 2002

Matt Pelmear wrote:

> Usually when it's turned on we'll have a normal picture for anywhere
> from a few seconds up to a number of minutes... but after it's been on
> for a while it'll stay mostly tinted yellow (I'm assuming it's losing
> the blue channel) with an occasional flicker to blue again.

 From my experience the problem is one of two things:

1) A gun in the tube has failed.  Usually rareish but I have seen it.
2) The driver circuitry for that color - usually the driver transistor - 
is having some sort of problem.

When it's as consistant as you dscribe yours to be it's almost certainly 
not the cable.

> Any suggestions? =)

Get a new monitor.  You can repair/have your old one repaired but it's 
usually not worth the trouble.

Hell, if you're lucky you might even get a good one for free.  I just 
got an older Cornerstone 21" that works fine - from the recycling 
center.  It has BNC inputs so the guy sent it there because "...it was 
only good with the Accel video card that was sent with it..."

Me.  I gots me a 21" montior. ;-)

*beats grammar nazis back with large pointy stick*

Mike Hebel

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