[rescue] A new beginning

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sun Oct 6 23:28:43 CDT 2002

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 12:17:54AM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:

> >His wife was less than thrilled, but permitted it, and he does have
> >prior netbsd experience.  It's just that now he has a real platform 
> >for it.
>   She "permitted it"?

What can I say.  We all know your views on the matter.  But, this is
another man's wife, not my fiance, so I wasn't about to go making
comments about it.

BTW, my fiance is fine with the concept of lots of computers, but it is
quite important to her that they don't overrun the bedroom, livingroom,
kitchen, or dining room.  And preventing overrun doesn't mean that there
are no machines in those rooms, just that they aren't all that obvious
to the casual observer.

She is even warming up to the idea of a voice controlled computer in the
bathroom (after all, who wants to get out of the bath to control music
playback, when you can just speak a command?).

Joshua D. Boyd

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