[rescue] Solaris 86 on non-HCL hardware

Sheldon T. Hall shel at cmhcsys.com
Mon Oct 7 09:32:31 CDT 2002

"Linc Fessenden" <linc at thelinuxlink.net> wrote ...

> On Sun, 6 Oct 2002, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> > Can you point me to the place on the NetBSD site giving the instructions
> > that?  I've found 'em on the OpenBSD site, but not on the NetBSD site.
> ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.6/i386/INSTALL.html
> > Or am I missing something basic here?  I can certainly FTP the files or
> > something, but if I wanted to being up a "bare metal" machine with no OS
> > it, I'd want to be able to boot it from a NetBSD floppy and have that
> > me.  That seems to be what OpenBSD does, but I can't find similar
> > instructions on the NetBSD site.
> Well, in a nutshell here is what you do...
> Download the floppy images for your disired distro.  You'll find them on
> netbsd's ftp site at
> (generally) ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.6/(your archetectire
> here)/installation/floppy...
> There are generally 2 floppy images you need - for example I used the
> boot1.fs and boot2.fs.  Download those images and dd them to a clean
> floppy.  Slap the first floppy in and reboot.  You'll be prompted for the
> second when it's time.  Follow the directions as they come along and when
> you are asked where you want to install the packages from choose
> ftp. Follow the prompts from there and you'll be all set.

Thanks a ton!


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