[rescue] alphaserver 4100

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Tue Oct 8 16:06:47 CDT 2002

> >>>>> 625MHz, IIRC.
> >>>>
> >>>>    For the AS8x00?  Ok, gotta get me one. 8-)
> >>>
> >>> Go for an ES40.  I've seen them relatively cheap, and some
> >>> guy has a bunch of CPU cards he keeps posting on eBay.
> >>
> >>    How cheap? ;)
> >
> > About $2500 for a basic ES40.  The CPUs are $79 BIN.
> >
> > Remember, I said relatively cheap.
>    Oh yeah.  $2500 would go a long way toward getting my life back in 
> order right now.  I'll stick with my 4100. ;)

Sometimes I think some of us should get together on something
like this.  Keep it running at your place, with ssh access for
the rest of us.  Ten of us at $250 could have a kick-ass system,
but I don't know if we could agree on the OS.  I'd be firmly in
the OpenVMS camp (run as a Galaxy, so we could have several
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/

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