[rescue] Sr. Irix Job w/DOE clearance

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Oct 12 11:18:30 CDT 2002

Dave McGuire wrote:

>    Be advised that this is very old information...I last held a security
> clearance something like twelve years ago, and it was through
> DoD/DISCO, not DoE.
>    You go to work for an organization without a clearance.  They apply
> for a clearance for you.  When you get that clearance, and subsequently
> leave that organization, your clearance persists for six months, then
> expires.  I don't know if there's anything involved in "moving" your
> clearance to a new company or agency, as I've never had to do that.
>    Things may be a bit different now...9/11, no more cold war with the
> Soviet Union, etc.

I think that the above is still the way it goes. When I was living in WV I
looked into what's required to get a clearance, and determined that I don't
stand chance of getting one :( Oh well :)
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