[rescue] newbie question

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Oct 13 16:24:05 CDT 2002

On Sunday, October 13, 2002, at 05:13 PM, Alys wrote:
> So I have an old "Super Workstation II+/50" and when I boot it up, I 
> get:
> "Boot device: /sbus/le at 0,c00000    File and args:
> Internal loopback test -- Did not recieve expected loopback packet.
> Can't open boot device
> Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)"
> I do not currently have it connected to a network. I was wondering how 
> I would get it to boot from here. Any help would be appreciated.

   I believe there's a way to disable the ethernet loopback test in 
OpenBoot...I think it's "set tpe-loopback? false" at the "ok" prompt 
from OpenBoot but I don't recall offhand.  Anyone else remember this?  
It's been a while.

   You can get to that "ok" prompt by typing "n" (for "new command 
mode") at the ">" prompt you're currently sitting at.


Dave McGuire          "PC users only know two 'solutions'...
St. Petersburg, FL       reboot and upgrade."    -Jonathan Patschke

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