[rescue] best of times/worst of times

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Tue Oct 15 09:52:48 CDT 2002

> My sympathies, I did that last November, have been without work since.
> Having been there, and having friends still there, still awaiting the
> axe, being unemployed is less stressful than working under 
> the sword of
> Damocles.  Good luck, and I hope you find something soon.
> Tim
	You bring up something I was thinking about last night. I am getting
tired of being worried about my job. For about a year before I got layed off
at my last job I could tell we were circeling the tiolet bowl. Now I can
tell someone has pulled the handle again and we are starting the swirl. I
would, just for a little while, like to have a job that I felt secure in my
future, enjoyed what I did, and took pride in the results. 
	Then again if I am going to be wishing like that I might as well go
whole hog. Make the job be with a Model site where the girls think geeks are
dead sexy also and the boss thinks you should be payed at a level that
allows you the nice things in life, like a yacht.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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