[rescue] SS2000E question

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Oct 15 23:22:03 CDT 2002

Skeezics Boondoggle wrote:

> It used to be that the SM81-2's were damned impossible to find and cost
> Lots Of Money, but now they're all over the place and cheap - I've been
> trying to quietly hoard them since I have 3 SC2000s on the way, and
> possibly a fourth in the spring, and want to fill 'em up. :-)

I've got an SC2000 that's now maxed out:) I've run it on a 2.4kw UPS with no
problem, so I don't think it draws quite as much as you think. Well, that was
with only 6 CPU boards installed, I've since added 4 more to max it out. I've
also gotten a rack mount 3kw UPS to power it with as I'm going to put the 2.4
on my SS1000. Currently my SC2000 is in storage as I can't figure out a way
to get it inside the small house I'm currently renting :(  When I sell my
condo in FL I'm going to buy a house up here in TN, so I'll probably leave
the 2000 in storage until I get my new place. The big problem I have now is
that I would really like to live out in the country, somewhere in the
backwoods, rather than within the city limits like I do currently, but I've
gotten spoiled by having a cablemodem, I would hate to have to go back to
something slow like ISDN, but cable isn't available out where I've been
looking :(

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