[rescue] best of times/worst of times

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Oct 16 13:28:00 CDT 2002

"Sheldon T. Hall" wrote:

> If you're serious, send me a resume (straight text or some popular word
> processing format, like MS-Word) and I'll pass it along.

I'm not serious enough to move to Ohio! Besides, I'm looking for a
Solaris admin type position, preferably in Knoxville TN, or Asheville
NC, or anywhere in between them along I40. I'm not too picky, am I? :)
*PGP fingerprint= D2 4F A8 B7 13 D5 73 1E  48 99 40 99 F9 BC 74 74 *
*Email:schiller at nospam.agrijag.com \|||/    http://www.agrijag.com *
*                                  (o o)                           *

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