[rescue] Bull Escala T604e

Jochen Kunz jkunz at maja.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Thu Oct 17 05:20:44 CDT 2002

On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 11:07:10AM +0200, roosmcd at dds.nl wrote:

>  Hmm, is that the machine on eBay.de that I forgot to bid on? :) 
Sounds so. On friday evening three or four showed up on eBay.de for 
175,-EUR by it now. I bought right at the moment. :-) 
I sent a hint to some friends. One of them got the last machine.
They where sold quite fast. There where some other machines of that 
type from the same seller with disks and (DAT) tapes for 200,-EUR 
starting bid. (No BIN.) One went for 200,-EUR, one for around
220,-EUR. Still a snip. 

> > Linux - no go. Crashes with fatal panic, but who cares about penguins?
>  Should work; never tried though. No need :)
Yes, Linux should work, at least with minor tweaks. But I have no 
need for Linux at home. I suffer from it at work all day. 

> > Does anyone have any experience with this machine type?
>  I have a MT604-100, 100MHz from Motorola. It's a very neat machine.
Have you seen the Estrela 300 with 200 MHz PPC604e at ePay.de? 
I am tempted, but I think the T604e will keep me bussy for some time. 
And it will cost at least 70,-EUR... I think I spent enough money 
for this kind of toys this month. 

> > Do I need a special Bull version of AIX?
>  Yes, you need a special version. 
Bad. :-( 

> However since (all?) Bull machines are rebadged Motorola machine 
> (or the other way round; it's been a while since i got mine), 
> you can also use the Motorola CD's. 
I know. There is a "Motorola" badge on the front. I am still 
tying to find the equivalent Motorola machine name. 

> I have a set 4.1.3, but I've 
> got no idea if it supports such a recent machine as yours..
It is from 1998.

> I think you could also get new OS cd's by calling Bull and giving 
> them your machine number, but I'm not too sure about that.
This is one thing I already considered. 

> > MacOS 9.x? 8-)  You could always try it...
>  Yes, this is supposedly possible. I've never tried it, but there 
> should be a version of MacOS which doesn't require an Apple ROM. 
Hmm. I would love to get OS X running on it. OS 9.x is not that "erotic". 


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