[rescue] Bull Escala T604e

Jochen Kunz jkunz at maja.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Thu Oct 17 09:05:16 CDT 2002

On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 01:16:00PM +0200, roosmcd at dds.nl wrote:

> Take a look at the SNI machine right now on eBay; 
The RM 300 E for 51,-EUR?
I am not very interrested in Siemens. You know: 
"Wolln'se was gutes oder mu_ es Siemens sein?" 
("Do you want somthing good or has it to be Siemens?")

> also a dual-processor, much cheaper then an Octane 
But no real graphics. If I by a SGI machine I by it for the graphics 
and the OS. Not for the CPU bang. A SGI is a graphics engine with 
keyboard processor. ;-)
But a dual R10k 250 MHz machine for 51,-EUR - hmmm. :-)
No. Enough. 

>  There was also a guy in .Nl with a load of Bull Estrala's; I suppose 
> he had a lot, because he kept lowering prices on them. They must be 
> being dumped by most companies now..
He. The Unix-AG got a load of a dozen RS/6000 43P-100 for free...

>  Do you have any pictures? 
No. I will try to make some. But don't expect more than 640x480...

> I also can't find the auction link anymore.

>  I got a Diamond Viper Pro to work in my machine by removing the 
> PC bios. Might work if you want graphics for it.
I have an Alpha with a high end 3D card as main workstation as 
well as a SGI Indigo 2 Extreme. OK. Only Extreme, but still... 


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

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