[rescue] HP v Sun graphics - heatsinks.. is size everything?

Steve Pacenka s.pacenka at verizon.net
Wed Oct 23 14:31:25 CDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 14:50, Matthew Haas wrote:

>  The nice thing about the HP machines I've played with (712/80 in
> particular) in regards to this "heatsink obsession" you refer to, is that
> the machines themselves are very, very quiet. Aside from a fan in the
> power supply and hard drive, there are very few moving parts (not to
> mention the styrofoam padding around the hard drive to muffle that as
> well).
>  A mark of good engineering, IMO.

Speaking of HP 9000's impression on the senses, our 735/99 smells a bit
funny when it is powered up; a 720 from the same place leaves no
effect.  It's not an electrical burning smell.  Nothing from the
monitor.  I've had IO and framebuffer boards out of it and saw no
evidence of spills.

Do these things accumulate dust in their power supplies like a PeeCee? 
Maybe we're smelling the lab where this last did service.  May have been
a manure experiment lab :^) .

-- SP

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