[rescue] SM81

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Oct 27 20:16:32 CST 2002

On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 08:57 PM, Mike Hebel wrote:
>>> Two words:
>>> Tenant Nazis.
>>   What?  It's none of the landlord's business what he has in his 
>> house or apartment, unless it's illegal...and it's not.
> True but appearances are everything in this society right now.

   True, if you associate with those sorts of people.

>>   And if the landlord is under the impression that it IS his/her 
>> business, it's time to move.
> Unless he moves out of the US or to a non-populated area he'll 
> probably have the same problems.  You have to remember the amount of 
> paranoia that is actively being created by the media today.  You might 
> be a "music pirate" or worse a "hacker" working for Osama/Saddam.  
> Don't show any porn on your screen or you might be suspected as a 
> pedophile even if the porn is legal.  Use "chat rooms"?  You're a 
> sexual predator or a drug dealer.  MIB said it best - "A person is 
> smart.  People are dumb, panicky, and you know it!".

   Speaking as both a landlord and a tenant, I call "bullshit".  While I 
agree with most of your statements, I disagree wholeheartedly that 
anyone who does any of these things will automatically have trouble 
with their landlord in every case.  I do all of those things, and I 
definitely have had problems...in ONE INSTANCE...one instance in the 
past fifteen years of renting, spread over ten houses & apartments.

   Well, except for the porn thing.  I don't really do porn because I 
spend time with REAL LIVE WOMEN.  What a concept.  But that's a whole 
different story.


Dave McGuire                  "Mmmm, big."
St. Petersburg, FL                -Den

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