[rescue] IRIX installation

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Sep 8 15:32:14 CDT 2002

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:

> Now, I'd think "Foundation" comes before "Overlay," but the Foundation 1
> disk won't boot, while the Overlay 1 disk will.... So I installed things in
> this order, which is obviously wrong:

Boot from Overlay 1.  Then, when the inst prompt comes up, you need to
"open" all the CDs.  So, do this:

  from /dev/CDROM

Then, if it asks you if you want to open additional distributions, answer
"yes" and feed it every disc you have (order doesn't matter).  If it
doesn't ask you, remove the "overlay 1" CD and insert another.  Then,

  open /dev/CDROM

Feed it every disc, again order doesn't matter.

Once you've gave it all the discs, do:

  install default

If there are any conflicts, resolve them with whichever is the remove
option (usually a).  So, if you have 5 conflicts, do:

  conflicts 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a

If/once there are no conflicts, do this:


And it'll tell you which disc to insert.  The system will spend the next
couple of hours reading files and running rqsall.  When it reboots, run
the software manager to remove things you don't need and to install things
that weren't added by default.

Jonathan Patschke
   > Can you SysAdmins tell me what might go on in a typical day?
   Hours of endless frustration punctuated by moments of sheer terror.
                                 --Saul Tannenbaum (in the Monastery)

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