[rescue] GDM 20e20 help

jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Sat Sep 21 12:12:50 CDT 2002

On 20 Sep, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> I got one of these monitors.  It works fine on my SS Classic.  I hook it
> up via the adapter in this
> (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2054346823) ebay
> auction to my Riva TNT2 card, and it doesn't do anything.  Can anyone
> say anything usefull?  The pinout on the ebay page looks correct to me.
The pinout is nonsense:
RGB is OK, but the sense pins of the Sun connector are connected to
H-Sync and V-Sync of the VGA connector. So the monitor doesn't get the
sync signals. This adapter may work with a sync-on-green VGA card. 
Also: I have a 20e?? (don't know if it is a 10, 11 or 20) monitor and it
does only sync-on-green and C-Sync. i.e. you need an adapter with a bit
electronic in it to get the monitor going on a VGA card. (I used it on
different Alphas and RS/6000 with a home made H/V-Sync => C-Sync
adapter and on an old sync-on-green TC Alpha.)


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