[rescue] Fast Food (was Re: Sun / Linux LX50)

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Sep 26 23:31:48 CDT 2002

> > I want to look into making my own bagels.
> Oy.  What a PITT.  Bagels you have to boil before you
> bake.  Better you should leave it to the bagel man.

Yeah, but out of all the good meals I've ever made when
company was over, the one that generated the most positive
comment was the day I was making omelettes and boiling/baking
bagels simultaneously.  The bagels were okay-not-great, but
they were hot-n-fresh without leaving the house...

ObRescue:  Does this list have a topic anymore?  Does anyone
  care?  Does anyone have any 32MB DSIMMs for SS20 and up
  laying around that they'd like to get rid of?  Does anyone
  have any 1.6" 9GB or larger SCA drives laying around that
  they'd like to get rid of?


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