[rescue] "Useless" Sparc bits

Jeff Brendle bli at psu.edu
Mon Sep 30 13:29:59 CDT 2002

>I've got a few "useless" sparc bits that were being tossed a while back by
>our lab administrator:
>	-4x 2mv NVRAM DIMM for SS20 and PrestoServe software
>	-2x Integrix TPNI(?)SBUS adapter
>	-2x CISCO CDDI SBUS adapter
>	-1x Sun FDDI (CDDI?) SBUS adapter (610-0245)
>	-3x Leo framebuffer (501-1845)
>Anybody have a use for any of this?
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

If no one has better ideas for 'em, I  might be able to make use of 
one of the Leo's in my SS10bsx box I guess, replace the TGX card in 
it now and get a "few more colors" out of the thing... after 
reshuffling the cards some of course, that is the BIG HOT dual card, 
right? or am I being senile again?? [Wonko -- if I were to do this, 
would I need your nifty fan in the case top mod to handle the excess 
heat perhaps (since the thing does have a couple of other SBus 
SCSI/Ether cards, a full 512M RAM and full set of drives?]

Jeff Brendle                Office: 248A Deike Bldg./(814)865-3257/fax 863-7708
Desktop Support Spv.       Home:   #210 Parkgate 349 Toftrees Ave.
Penn State - Coll. of E&MS            State College, PA / (814)861-8180
Mailto:bli at psu.edu                AOL/MSN/Yahoo! IM - JSBrendle

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