[rescue] Re: Ultra purchase

P Nutton Paul.Nutton at awe.co.uk
Tue Apr 1 03:19:37 CST 2003

> Since the original question was "what Ultra should I buy" a
> couple of other recommendations:
> 1.  Anysystem.com (ebaysales at anysystem.com is the eBay user ID)
>     is selling 1x360MHz/512MB/2x9.1GB/C3D Ultra60s on eBay for
>     a very reasonable price--their S/H is a little steep but they're
>     very reputable--I picked up one of the above config for $404,
>     and worked out a deal with them to change it to a 2x360/0MB/no
>     disk (but with two spud brackets) since I have parts sitting
>     around here.  mrbill highly recommends them as well.
Has anyone dealt with Anysystem in the UK? Their website mentions a European
office (which is in Farnham in Surrey), but that seems to be the limit of
the info given. I will send an e-mail and ask...
Paul Nutton, SysAdmin, High Performance Computing, AWE plc.
"Tech still has the shelf life of a banana. It will quickly
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             - Scott McNealy, Sun Microsystems CEO

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