[rescue] OT: Linux and USB on Intel

Mike Meredith mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 20 16:54:36 CDT 2003

On Sunday 20 April 2003 21:44, Dave McGuire wrote:
>    Yeah but then you've lost the cost advantage.  Those big,
> full-of-empty-space "server" x86 systems are really fucking expensive,
> more so than a lot of "real computers".

In most cases you're probably right. Most of the time I don't bother looking 
at x86 hardware, but in 1 specific specialised case it worked out to be 
cheaper than Sun. Although improvements at the low end of Sun's line may mean 
it's no longer the case.

3 of my x86 servers were stolen from other teams (who had no choice other than 
x86 hardware), so it's in my interest to argue against buying cheap gear. And 
the extra cost doesn't come out of my team's budget when I'm out stealing :)

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