[rescue] OT: Linux and USB on Intel

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Mon Apr 21 04:58:43 CDT 2003

On Monday 21 April 2003 01:17, Bill Bradford wrote:
> >      -Dave, whose office STILL smells like smoke
> Amy's been on the same Athlon 700Mhz system since late 2000.  We've swapped
> out video cards, cases, etc - and its on its second power supply, but only
> because she smokes and nicotined-to-death the first one.  Same with the CPU
> heatsink/fan.
> The core motherboard/CPU though, chug along.

Djeezus, what do you do to them? Except for nicotining. I have frankly never 
heard of anyone ruining his/her video card, except when using physical 

Frank Van Damme    | "Saying 8MB of RAM doesn't do as much anymore is
http://www.        | like saying a gallon of water holds more than it
openstandaarden.be | did in 1988."                    --George Adkins

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