[rescue] KVM and Sunfire 280r

Rodito Buan II rodito at acdlabs.com
Thu Apr 24 11:10:41 CDT 2003

> 	1. What video connector does it have?
> 	2. Is their anything weird about that USB mouse and 
> keyboard, or could it technically be any mouse or keyboard as 
> long as it is USB.
> 	3. I know that they, at one time, made converter boxes 
> for this application for the older sparcs with the 13w3 video 
> and  type 4/5 keyboards and mice. Do they make anything like 
> that for this application?

Mike.. Tripplite makes a sun console connector for regular type 4/5 kb. 

I'm not sure about USB to PS/2 conversion.

> 	4. IF a light bulb burns out at Microsoft, how many 
> Microsoft engineers does it take to put in a new one?

No comment hehehe


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