[rescue] OT: Linux and USB on Intel

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 26 13:35:11 CDT 2003

--- Jeffrey Nonken <jeff_work at nonken.net> wrote:
> I've seen this argument get bounced back and forth for days now, and
> several people seem to be missing a point. I'll try to lay it out
> clearly.
> "If I write my own code, etc., I can license it any way I want."
> True. But keep in mind: If you write in C, chances are pretty gosh
> darned good that you'll be using functions from the C library.
> Console I/O, disk I/O, sorting, string manipulation -- you name it.
> If you link in somebody's C library YOU ARE SUBJECT TO THE LICENSE
> If that C library has a GNU license, guess what?

The Gnu GPL covers *modification* of the GPL-protected software - if
you change the C library functions, your argument is 100% correct.

If I use use Gnu C compliler to develop a program to manage my greeting
card shop, once compiled, that software is not "tainted" by my use of
GPL software. If I customize a C library routine to accomodate, say, a
printer that puts personalized greetings on mylar balloons, then my
changes to the C library *are* tainted by the GPL.

Sorry for the delayed posting, but I've been trying to avoid this
topic... I finally gave in.


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