[rescue] Re: Drive Reliability (was SCSI drive for sale at buy.com)

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Sat Apr 26 14:06:18 CDT 2003

On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 06:48:05PM -0700, Skeezics Boondoggle wrote:

> Damn, that's a handsome kit.  I'm playing a classic old Ludwig kit that's
> seen better times, but is still in decent shape, and is LOUD, man.  Big
> step up from the no-name refurbished kit I got for $150 when I started
> out... unlike computers, though, I'm not much of a "technician" when it
> comes to drums.  I don't obsess about the best kit, the best cymbals, the
> spiffiest hardware - what I lack in skill and talent I make up for with
> exuberant enthusiasm and a complete lack of shame. :-)

The drummers I've so far met haven't been to fussy, except they seem to
like to have their own snare.
> Hell yeah.  My only vices are computers and drums - both expensive 
> hobbies!

Everyone needs two expensive hobbies.  At least.

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