[rescue] OpenBSD on Intel (actually)

Linc Fessenden linc at thelinuxlink.net
Sat Apr 26 18:11:42 CDT 2003

On Sun, 27 Apr 2003, Robert Rose wrote:

> At 10:05 AM 26/04/2003 -0500, jeff_work at nonken.net wrote:
> > > > Heh.  If I could get into the BIOS.  No key combo I've tried will do it.
> >I
> > > > scoured the Dell website, and the ones there didn't help.  I even
> >_called_
> > > > Dell, and they couldn't give me one that would work.  It's Phoenix BIOS,
> >but
> > > > none of the usual Phoenix sequences work.  I've tried F2 (and all the
> >other
> > > > F-ing keys), Del, Ctrl-Alt-Enter, Ctrl-Alt-Ins, Ctrl-Alt-Esc, Alt-Esc,
> > > > two-elbows-on-the-keyboard, Esc-Meta-Alt-Ctrl-Shift .... No joy in any
> >case.
> Hmm, maybe it's time to try the deliberate error trick, works on IBM 
> 300GL/PL boxen at work.  Heres what you do:
> 1. Power off peecee, open it up and remove something like the floppy cable 
> or a simm.
> 2. Power it up, wait for it to bitch about the problem.
> 3. See if it throws you into the BIOS configuration to fix the error.
> 4. Make the changes you actually needed to make, plus you'll probably need 
> to amend the configuration to tell it there is no floppy/less ram.
> 5. Power off, replace the floppy cable or simm.
> 6. Power it up, re-fix the error in the BIOS again.
> 7. Power off, replace cover and you're good.

Try my standard PC-bios trick..  Flip the floppy cable over and plug it
back in on only 1 end.  Usually errors out the bios.

-Linc Fessenden

In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...

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