[rescue] More Solaris 2.4 Books found

Mark T. Valites valites at geneseo.edu
Tue Aug 5 11:09:35 CDT 2003

Well it looks like I had another box of solaris 2.4 books laying around. I
was surprised at the amount of interest generated last time I posted, so
I'll offer up the rest for shipping and a buck or two to lug these heavy
things to the post office (man they're heavy!). If you're interested, let
me know.

For the gentlement who contacted me previously about the books who I send
shipping costs to, please let me know ASAP if you would like the books
reserved for you, or else I'll offer what's left back up to the other
people who contacted me & then the list again.

The current box of titles:

Standards Conformance Reference Manual
Systems Services guide
Linker and Libraries Guide
Streams Programmer's guide
Two Small Books Shrink-Wrapped with above titles

OpenWindows Server Programmer's Guide
Network Interfaces Programmer's Guide
Name Services Configuration Guide
NIS+ Transition Guide
Multithreaded Programming Guide
SunSHIELD Basic Security Module Guide
Name Services Administration Guide
Administration Application Reference Manual
Administration Supplement for Solaris Platforms
SunDiag User's Guide
Periperals Administration
Security, Performance, and Accounting Administration
Common Administration Tasks
User Acccount, Printers, and Mail Administration

Solaris on Sun Hardware Documentation Roadmap
Solaris 2.4 Handbook for SMCC Peripherals
SunDiag User's Guide: Addendum for SMCC Hardware
Installing and Using Power Management
Solaris Reference Manual for SMCC-Specific Software
Platform Notes: SPARCstation 10SX asnd SPARCstation 20 System
	Configuration Guide
Platform Notes: SPARCstation Voyager Software Guide
Platform Notes: SMCC Frame Buffers
Platform Notes: Using the Statdard SPARCstorage Array Software
Platform Notes: PCMCIA User's Guide

Mark T. Valites
Unix Systems Analyst
CIT - SUNY Geneseo
>--))> >--))>

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