[rescue] looking for a Multia

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Tue Aug 12 11:11:19 CDT 2003

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 12:07:17PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 12:05 PM, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> >Frankly, I hate to say this, but when it comes to certain peripherals,
> >PCs seem to be somewhat ahead of Suns.  Although, the Octanes serial
> >ports look the best of all (but, I believe it has no parallel port).
>   Eh!  Dude, serial ports are for console terminals.  Ethernet and FDDI 
> interfaces are for network connectivity.  Remember? ;)

And those of us stuck with dialup for awhile (see other email for what
hope this is of escaping eventually)?  It's not like all of us can
afford the sort of connectivity you have (if I could afford the monthly
fees, I suspect that installation would kill me). 

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