FDDI, was: Re: [rescue] u2 drive trays

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Aug 20 12:38:21 CDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:35:56PM -0500, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> > I had that keyboard bug (keyboard input just stops
> > working) under Mozilla 1.4.  Normally happens when
> > you're filling out forms (and always on the last line
> > aaahhhh)
> Yep.  It's irritating as hell.  I've found a workaround, though.  It's
> localized to the current window, so if you can open a new window, your
> keyboard comes back (for that window).  Now, if you could drag tabs
> between windows, you'd be set.

I've actually had that bug with Netscape, Mozilla, etc (even 4.x days).

My solution:  alt-1, then alt-2  ( I keep web browers on alt-2).

Its a WM bug AFAIK not a moz/netscape bug.

bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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