Noise and Hearing (was Re: [rescue] Re: Throw another packet on the server...)

N.Miller vraptor at
Sat Aug 23 01:40:59 CDT 2003

On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 05:31 PM, Al Potter wrote:

> jjacocks at said:
>> I'm not sure what can be done about this, though.
> Get fitted for hearing protection.  This does not mean going to K-Mart 
> and
> buying the foam throw-away plugs.  Find someone who can sustom mold 
> plugs
> for you.

But even "foamies" are better than bare ears.

> FWIW, I spent almost 10 years as an Artillery Officer in the US Army, 
> and
> for a not-small amount of that time, I was a competition pistol 
> shooter.  I
> have molded plugs (made at my own expense), and when inserted, I can 
> hear
> NOTHING.  I can still FEEL some noise though.... 8-)

I still hear plenty through mine, but my hearing is still good.

> No.

Go Al! :-)

> Take care of your hearing.  Once lost, it cannot normally be restored. 
>  I
> live with tinitius (minor). I do NOT want any more, so I am careful.

I recommend a dietary supplement that I found out about through my
ear mold supply people.  It's called Ring Stop.  There is a great
deal of anecdotal evidence that shows it helps; I have a client
who had severe tinnitus that has been using it for almost a year
now, and swears by it.

It's not cheap, but for many people who have severe tinnitus,
price is no object.

If you are in the Bay Area, and would like custom molded plugs, I
can do them for $40 a pair--these are catalyst silicone, and take
about 45 min to make.  The heat cured silicone version I have to
send to the lab; those will set you back about $90 for basics,
more if you want gadgetry.  I can do just about anything listed

(I might also be in Illinois near the end of next month or
in early October, so if you are in IL/IN/IA and want them,
let me know.)

If there are gun shows in your area, hit one of them and look
for people custom ear plugs on the spot.  About 90% of the time,
they have been taught by the same folks that taught me.


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