[rescue] Mystery boards...

Patrick Finnegan pat at purdueriots.com
Sat Dec 20 18:08:37 CST 2003

Mike Hebel declared on Thursday 04 December 2003 10:16 pm:
> On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 09:12 PM, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> > On Dec 4, 2003, at 9:57 PM, Mike Hebel wrote:
> >> Unfortunately these are sbus cards for Sparc systems.  :-(
> >>
> >> I _think_ it might be ISDN but I'm really out of my depth on this
> >> one.
> >>
> >> I just noticed that the silkscreen says  NW-xx on the top and the
> >> one label, LOF,  possibly means Loss of Frame. (?)  So maybe it's
> >> an odd CSU or DSU card?
> >>
> >> Mike Hebel
> >
> > Those look exactly like the boards I got out of that video
> > teleprompter/overlay server thing I found on the street.  They were
> > VME 32 or so... the two connector boards.
> >
> > Perhaps for a custom computing system.
> It's just weird enough a board for me to try and buy a VME chassis
> for it when I get a chance.
> But not right now.

Basically *all* of the VME bus stuff I have uses two connectors... I've 
got a bunch of 68k/68010 processor boards, and some custom produced VME 
cards that were a part of a prototype parallel processing system 
designed at Purdue.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to it in time to save 
it in a working state or save any of the documentation : (.

Anyways, yes, 2 connectors is typical of VME systems.  If you want to 
get rid of the board, let me know...

Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage

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