[rescue] Free stuff in Orlando, FL area

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Sun Dec 28 16:52:55 CST 2003

On Sunday, December 28, 2003, at 04:38 PM, Nickolai Zeldovich wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Mike Hebel wrote:
>> Y'know...on second thought I'll bet this is either an old terminal 
>> with
>> a handset or an old tty system for dead people.  I'd be better able to
>> identify it if Nickolai could come up with something other than the
>> serial number and cartridge model number.
> Sadly the system seems to be devoid of any identifying model numbers..
> The only number on the cartridge is "510A: Office Telesystem 
> Cartridge",
> and "Reorder Number 37515".

Nothing under the keyboard then?  Number stamped in the handset?  What 
about the underside of the monitor?  The underside of the system with 
the keyboard slid out?

I'm betting that if you unscrewed the case there would be something 
identifiable on the internal case or boards.

Mike Hebel

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