[rescue] E250 parts/skins

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Feb 4 11:35:48 CST 2003

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Bill Bradford wrote:

> I'm also looking for a replacement dark-grey bezel, one of the "clips" that
> holds mine on is broken.  It stays there, but it bugs me..

You're talking about the top part, not the door, right?  I thought the
door on this 250 was broken until I disassembled it and fixed the pins
that hold it to the chassis.  Some wank had unscrewed them and the top
one was just rattling around inside.

Jonathan Patschke  *)  "The clue phone is ringing, and it's for you."
Thorndale, TX      (*                                 --Dave McGuire

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