[rescue] 128 bits...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Fri Feb 7 00:35:18 CST 2003

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 12:48 AM, Jeff Workman wrote:
>>    Eh...I believe routing table lookups and address masking are better
>> off done in specialized hardware.  Perhaps an "IP coprocessor".
> Would you gain much by having a 128 bit processor in your routing 
> engine for  ipv6?

   Well, like I said...with table lookups and masking done directly by 
hardware, not necessarily iterative code, things could be much faster.  
I'm fairly certain a lot of higher-end Cisco gear does things this way 
but I'm not positive.


Dave McGuire             "I've grown hair again, just
St. Petersburg, FL           for the occasion."       -Doc Shipley

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