[rescue] WANTED: Decent Sun Keyboard

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Feb 8 04:03:32 CST 2003

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 11:45 PM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

>> While on the subject of the happy hacking keyboard, has anyone here
>> used their lite version? It's only $69.00 and has an inverted T for
> The lite version is PC-only... The "full" model is multiplatform (PC,
> Mac, Sun)...

Well actually they make the lite in ps2 & USB models, and the USB model 
is compatible with USB macs, as well as PCs (and I would imagine USB 
Suns too). Do you know if the quality of the keyboard is less than the 
quality of their regular keyboards?

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