[rescue] Sun memo regarding Java

Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 patrick at zill.net
Mon Feb 10 22:47:09 CST 2003

On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 11:55:16PM -0500, Dan Sikorski wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 23:46, Dave McGuire wrote:
> >    80MB of crud spewed across your spindles?  What Java are YOU running, 
> > man?
> The bad kind.  Ya know, when you go into the break room or a crappy
> diner at 4pm, and get a cup of that stuff that was brewed in the AM
> hours and has just been sitting on the warmer since then?  It gets kind
> of a burnt taste, and it makes you wish you didn't even think about
> coffee in the first place?


Tea.  Earl Grey. Hot.



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