[rescue] MMJ Question

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Feb 10 23:31:10 CST 2003

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 06:20 PM, Francisco Javier 
Mesa-Martinez wrote:

> I was wondering about MMJ cabling, is it the same as telephone 
> cabling? It
> seems that it just has the weird top wedge in what seems to be a 
> normal RJ
> whatever telephone plug. Just wondering if I can use normal telephone
> extension cabling (sans the wedge) to connect my VT to a MMJ to
> DB-whatever connector....

Once you remove the wedge, you should be able to use a normal 6 wire 
phone cord. Of course by removing the wedge you remove any way of 
locking it in. MMJ connectors, and crimping tools are not that hard to 
find, if you're going to need lots of these cables it'd be worth 
investing in one of these tools. If you only need like 1 or 2 of them, 
I have the connectors, and a crimping tool, let me know how long a 
cable you need, and I'll make it up for you.


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