[rescue] SunOS 5.5.1 inaccessible

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sun Feb 16 18:31:34 CST 2003

On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 02:21 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo 
+1.717.201.3366 wrote:
> My take is that they want to reserve the right to charge you for use
> on high-end hardware, while basically letting you use it on lower end
> systems at no charge.  This positions them in the Linux space while
> still being able to charge money to big accounts...

I agree with you on this with one exception. Just how many 'Big 
Accounts' as you call them are going to be using Sparc-20's? Sun should 
have made it free for ALL sun4m systems, and only uniprocessor sun4u 
systems IMHO. Although personally I think dual processor would have 
been a better limitation all around.

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