[rescue] Oh my gosh, an on-topic question! ;^)

Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 patrick at zill.net
Tue Feb 18 23:15:18 CST 2003

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 09:23:56PM -0800, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Hello all,
> What is the concensus on suitable cleaners for plastic cases - I have
> some Sun monitors and systems with extraneous markings/dirt/scuffs that
> I'd like to clean up... Clean scratches look 100% better than dirty
> ones, and markings of "scrap" on a U2 case are just wrong.

Goo-Gone (easiest on hands, not so strong), De-Solv-it, denatured
alcohol (use outside only).  Also Wipe-Away (citristrip.com).

Most of this available at Wal-Mart, HomeDepot, etc.


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