[rescue] using a SparcClassic X for its intended purpose

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Jan 24 05:11:45 CST 2003

On Friday 24 January 2003 10:54, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> On 2003.01.24 09:15 Clayton Wheeler wrote:
> > I recently hauled a long-unplugged SparcClassic X
> [...]
> > Is there a way to use this as an X terminal in a modern Solaris
> > environment? Is this "Sun X Terminal Software" what I would need? Any
> > ideas?
> NetBSD? I used a SS1+ with CG6 as Xterminal for a loooong time.

It'll be pretty sssslllllloooooowwwwwww, but work. Also, don't run linux on 
a sun4c processor. It gets slower and slower - some non-implemented feature 
on the cpu, a little bug into the kernel that ain't worth repairing because 
it's such an old box,... 

There is a thin client project based entirely on free software however - 
http://www.ltsp.org/ . Based on linux, they might have a root FS for Sparc, 
but maybe you can make a netbsd port of the thing? :-)

Frank Van Damme

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