[rescue] new worm? (5 of 13 root DNS servers down.)

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Sat Jan 25 08:21:32 CST 2003

On Saturday 25 January 2003 14:41, Mike Hebel wrote:
> "You are correct sir!"
> Yeah, I'm having real problems resolving anything even though I'm using
> Opennic for my resolution stuff.
> /. (slashdot.org) has a story (if you can get to them.  There's also a
> relevant post here:
> http://forums.military.com/1/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=78919038&f=409192893&m=455
> I thought it was just me until I SSH'd into another connection ans got
> the same results there.

Oh, MS holes are so funny.

If MS pathes everything tomorrow, bandwidth on the entire net will simply 

Frank Van Damme

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