[rescue] ECC [was: Re: WOT: Ebay changes to IBM from Sun

Mike F lists at mikef.dyndns.org
Fri Jul 11 14:18:10 CDT 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Newell" <newell at cei.net>
To: "The Rescue List" <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [rescue] ECC [was: Re: WOT: Ebay changes to IBM from Sun

> >Seriously, though, AutoCAD's power isn't in its slick GUI or heads-up
> One feature of its slick GUI is that usually the space bar functions as
> return key.  That and the extensive lisp customization potential leads to
> the hot guns keeping the left hand on the left side of the keyboard and
> right hand on the mouse.  Just watch a good operator work sometime--it can
> be impressive.

Hey, are you looking over my shoulder? :) As I said, I work mostly the same
way I learned it 10 years ago. It's really a lot like a Unix GUI -
is available through the CLI, some things are available through menus, and
things are available through icons. The spacebar/enter functionality
is one of my favorites - one that apparently newer users aren't taught. Oh,
the "up arrow" key cycles through previous commands, like some Unix shells.

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