[rescue] Today's Rescue ... and a question
Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366
patrick at zill.net
Tue Jul 15 22:55:04 CDT 2003
On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 10:46:09PM -0500, Brian Dunbar wrote:
> Today's Rescue
> My company has (had) a metric ass load of obsolete and otherwise useless
> gear. Got to sort through the pickings today and obtained (besides the
> requisite PC gear and two Sun GDM 20E20s) an 'Intel Express 510T Switch' and
> a 'Shiva LanRover VPN Express 2'.
> I'll admit I have no idea what I'm going to do with the latter, but no one
> _else_ wanted it and the next stop was salvage so ...
> Question
> All alone in the back of the warehouse were a trio of 'ADTRAN TSU 600'
> units. They were, supposedly, working right up until we shut down the
> facility they came from. Worth grabbing?
Is that this:
If so, I think so. Seems to be T1-related CSU/DSU that also gives you
some analog phone ports out of it.
| Patrick Giagnocavo, patrick at zill.net |
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