[rescue] SS10 / SS20 Memory and SS10 or SS20 Clone?

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Jul 17 18:13:35 CDT 2003

>From: Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>
>I got a SS20 with two SM50 for free yesterday. It had only a single 32
>MB RAM module installed. I got a bag with other 16 MB and 32 MB modules
>with it. Some of the RAMs are 80 ns access time, part # 501-1785. They
>are listed as "SS10 only" on http://www.sunstuff.org/hardware/memory/
>but the SS20 recognizes them. Now the question is: Will they work
>reliable or do they downgrade performance (RAM wait states?) or??? I was
>not able to boot any OS yet, the Ultra5 is still bussy compiling

80ns memory should NOT be used in an SS20.  It may work... it may not,
but if it does it is most assuradly pushing the memory beyond it's rated
limit.  SS20 memory is so cheap, there isn't any reason not to locate
a good deal on at least 32MB DIMMS if not 64MB DIMMS and load er' up.

>I got a SS20 clone also. It is a Tritec WS20. The PROM messages say it
>is a SS20 but the connectors on the back are looking like a SS10 with an
>additional 13W3 connector and it has two VSIMM slots. So I am irritated.
>Is this a SS20 or a SS10 or perhaps a SS10SX?

Sounds like an SS20 clone that uses the Sun Microelectronics SparcEngine
20 mainboard (which looks like an upgraded SS10 design mainboard).  It has
the 50MHZ mbus speed (although I can't seem to get mine to do it), and
supports SS20 VSIMMS (I have 8MB VSIMMS if you want to get a VSIMM for
one or both of those systems, contact me off list).

-- Curt

>       Jochen
>Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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