[rescue] Being jobless

Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 patrick at zill.net
Mon Jul 28 13:27:28 CDT 2003

On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 11:17:48AM -0500, Scott Newell wrote:
> >Why not start a little 1 machine ISP. Apart from creating the inital
> software 
> >set, which YMMV the only other thing you'll need is a decent amount of 
> >bandwidth and transit (and IP allocation). With good luck you might make 
> >enough to pay for the electricity/bw and make a little on the side.
> Is it even economical to run a 20 proc S2000 in a commercial setting?  I
> seem to recall some really big numbers for OS license fees being mentioned
> a week or so ago.

I think the OS license fees would pale in comparison to the monthly
electricity bill.  

Would it not cost at least $200 per month to keep it running, let
alone cooled?


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