[rescue] WTB: SS20 Ram, External SCSI CD

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Tue Jun 3 16:13:55 CDT 2003

>From: Nathaniel Grady <nate at grady.is-a-geek.com>
>To: rescue at sunhelp.org
>Subject: Re: [rescue] WTB: SS20 Ram, External SCSI CD
>Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 11:25:22 -0500
>User-Agent: KMail/1.5.2
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>"Curtis H. Wilbar Jr." <rescue at hawkmountain.net> wrote:
>> From: Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at yahoo.com>
>> >--- Nathaniel Grady <nate at grady.is-a-geek.com> wrote:
>> >> The SS-20 was my main desktop during
>> >> college, and I left it with my parents when I moved to Houston
>> >> for grad school a year ago. The RasterFLEX-HR and 10krpm drive
>> >> are nice, and I have an SM71 to go in it, but the whole 80mb of
>> >> ram bit kinda sucks. I figure with a pair of SM71's and half a
>> >> gig of ram, it should make a nice machine for editing LaTeX on :-)
>> >
>> >I'd reconsider spending money on an SS/20 - I got a very nice SGI
>> >Ingido^2 w/R10K 195 MHz CPU, 512 Meg RAM, 2x 4 Gig HD and framebuffer
>> >(no keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM) for about $100 of e-bay. Granted it was a
>> >very good deal, but you are looking to spend upwards of $150 to get an
>> >SS/20 in shape...
>> The SS20 has two big advantages over the Indigo 2..... size... and weight !
>Well, and I allready have a SS20. From what I understand, they're probably 

Definately.... and they also throw much less heat !

>More importantly,  I don't want to teach my dad on a system I'm not 
>familiar with, which means sticking with Sun or x86 at the moment. More 
>importantly, I'm terrible at getting good deals off ebay. Every time I've 
>gotten a "good deal" recently, it's been for a reason :-(

Sorry to hear that... most of my ebay purchases have been satisfactory...
although once in a long while you hit the lemon pot (as some people here
may remember my 10 cpu "as is" lot.... bad move on my part).

>> >An Ultra 1-170 should cost similar (or less) equiped similarly...
>Well, Ultra-1 ram works in a SS20, so I figure buying ram for either would run 
>about the same. Looking at ebay, most of the systems have only 64 or 128mb of 

Yes, SS20, U1, U2 all use the same RAM (and other Suns do as well... a ss10
can use SS20 RAM... but you shouldn't use SS10 ram in an SS20).

>> The SS20 is still smaller if size is an issue.  Only thing I'd recommend
>> anyone thinking of getting a U1 would be is go for the E models... they
>> have 100Mbit ethernet and support wide SCSI to the disks.
>Well, basically I have the 20 allready, and it looks spiffy sitting where it 
>is. For running a few xterms, it probably is sufficiently fast :-) He may 
>very well switch to a mac next time his desktop is up for replacement, as the 
>collage gives people the option to have either a mac or a pc. OS X Yummyness!

I like the 20... and parts are generally very cheap... the boxes are very
(VERY !) dependable (as most Sun equipment I've had the pleasure of using/
owning is).

I have yet to play with OS/X.... somday....

Another option as well, if you have enough Wintel debris laying around,
there is Solaris for Intel.  I've been running it on a P200MMX box as a
server for about 3 years now.... stable, reliable, and Solaris (I went
that route because I had the hardware, and better yet, I had ultraSCSI
for the PC boxes... best I had for the SPARCS was fast/wide).

>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

-- Curt

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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