[rescue] Perverse Question

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Jun 7 03:12:07 CDT 2003

On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 11:55 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo 
+1.717.201.3366 wrote:
>> *cough* BULLSHIT! *cough*  I use these boxen extensively for simple 
>> web
>> servers and mail/DNS/firewall boxes.  They just run, and run, and run.
> The problem is, that even then, they are slow when not doing something
> that can be handled by a C program.  For instance, they can handle
> email and POP3 accounts just fine - until you decide to implement
> POP-before-SMTP, which uses a Perl program and will bog down your
> system;

   Anyone who puts a Perl program in the middle of that deserves what 
they've got coming to them.

>  or SpamAssassin, which will use about 12MB of RAM running in
> daemon mode.

   (Personally I make an exception for SpamAssassin because it works so 
very well.)


Dave McGuire             "I've grown hair again, just
St. Petersburg, FL           for the occasion."       -Doc Shipley

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