[rescue] Perverse Question

N.Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Mon Jun 9 13:19:44 CDT 2003

On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 08:33 AM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 10:00:04PM -0700, N.Miller wrote:
>> Since the topic is "Perverse", what sort of provocation do you like?
>> Are you a cute German guy?
>> (Hey, if Dave can do it, I can do it! :-)
>> =Nadine=
>> [American, Geek, Female]
> Yay Nadine!
Thanks, Bill. :-D

> (well, to do it properly, you'd have to ask "are you cute?  do you 
> have a
> brother?")
I only had it modelled for me once, so I guess I missed part of the 
correct behavior. ;-)  (I'm don't do the monogamy gig [1], so sometimes 
I forget the proper social procedure. ;-)


[1]I'm polyamorous (!=swinging).  While poly relationships vary on the 
involvement of the SOs & OSOs with each other, in our case, my SO has 
to at least tolerate anyone with whom I might become involved.  In case 
you are wondering he's: [Canadian, (history/computer/gaming) geek, 
male].  I am (english/computer/gaming) geek.

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