[rescue] Re: SparcCenter 2000E on Ebay

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Fri Jun 20 14:59:24 CDT 2003

>On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 03:07 PM, Gavin Hubbard wrote:
>> Heh - I got given a 1000E for free last week. Tell you what Dave, you 
>> can have it if you pay postage :-P
>   Gee, thanks Gavin. ;)  *poke*

I'm really hoping that I'll find an enthusiastic young person in my area who I can give it to. I know that I am unlikely to ever want to use it as I already have far too much excess computing capacity.

>> This particular one used to run the POS equipment at a supermarket and 
>> has a single system board with dual SM51, 256MB, serial MUX + serial. 
>> The internal disk board is interesting - holds four SCA SCSI disks and 
>> is cabled externally to an SBus wide SCSI card on the system board.
>   Neat!

It is the same principle as the disk carrier boards on the Exx00 servers. The board only draws power through the backplane connector as all of the data signal are routed through the external cabling. The disadvantages are that the disks can't be hot-swapped, and you lose a space for a system board. Internally the disks use the same plastic brackets as the Sparcstorage arrays.

>> Looking at this machine, it is easy to see a direct lineal 
>> relationship to the deskside E4500. All the major design concepts have 
>> been carried straight through.
>   I assume you mean mechanically? ;)

Yes. When you compare the SS1000 with the E4500, the visual similarities are quite striking. They seem to have been designed and/or styled by the same pen(s).



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